About us
Diversity and Inclusion
Future HSC has a strong commitment to welcoming all.
We welcome and include staff and service users from many different countries, backgrounds and life experiences. That way we all learn and value each others’ differences. A recent review of our staff and service user groups revealed that between us, we speak a total of at least 18 languages including Punjabi, Spanish, Swahili, Shona, German, Patios, Arabic, Mandinka, Mirpuri, Urdu, and Somali. We have staff and service users from all over the world which brings a richness and tolerance to our work culture and our Future community. We encompass a wide range of belief systems and faiths including Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Rastafari, Paganism and Buddhism.
And between us all, staff, service users and friends of Future HSC, we have some interesting and unusual hobbies: keeping rabbits, making jewellery, life drawing, dancing the tango, guitar playing the list and smorgasbord of variety is both long and varied. We are also very lucky to have a core of creative writers amongst us, particularly poets, and hold Shared Reading and Writing Groups. We have many artists and our ArtShop classes produced some wonderful work.
Our recent staff review also showed the huge resources among our staff teams including people trained in British Sign Language and Teaching English as a Second Language.
Our experience has extended to working with older adults, people with dementia, people with autism, visually impaired people, deaf people, children and teenagers, refugees, victims of abuse and victims of crime.